
The future of any society depends crucially on the successful design and implementation of policies pursuing a sustainable development. It is also important to assess the implications that proposed future policies and also future impacts of climate change will have on the world’s sustainable development.

In this spirit, ICES is one of the instruments used as part of an ambitious project to monitor and assess the evolution of the different sustainability components. The ASDI (Aggregated Sustaianble Development Index) project aims at offering a comprehensive assessment of current well-being and future sustainability based upon 28 indicators related to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). While one part of the project looks at the performance of these indicators, another part of the project links many of those indicators with ICES’ general equilibrium framework, allowing for the ex-ante scenario assessment of the implications of future policies as well as the impacts of climate change.


Figure: ASDI methodological framework

By combining historical data on SDG indicators and aggregation methodologies, the APPS framework provides a snapshot of current well-being for 139 countries, which is measured as the overall performance in the 17 SDGs (ASDI Index). Other indices, such as county performances in each SDG and in economic, social and environmental pillars, are computed and make it possible to understand the different determinants at play behind ASDI Index scores.

The ASDI framework can also provide an assessment of future sustainability by shedding light on the evolution of selected indicators up to 2030 for 45 macro-regions, under different socio-economic and policy scenarios.  For this purpose, historical records of indicators and empirical analyses are combined with ICES results. The future trends of ASDI indicators are linked to the dynamics of macro-economic variables in ICES; this makes it possible to obtain coherent scenarios and policy-dependent assessments of the sustainability in 2030, by evaluating the gaps from achieving SDGs and appropriate policies to narrow them.


Related publications:

Moreno J., Campagnolo L., Boitier B., Nikas A., Koasidis K., Gambhir A., González-Eguino M., Perdana S., Van de Ven D.-J., Chiodi A., Delpiazzo E., Doukas H., Gargiulo M., Herbst A., Le Mouël P., Vielle M. (2024). The impacts of decarbonization pathways on Sustainable Development Goals in the European Union. Communications Earth and Environment, 5: 136.

Campagnolo L. and Davide M. (2019), “Can Paris deal boost SDGs achievement? An assessment of climate mitigation co-benefits or side-effects on poverty and inequality“, World Development Journal, Volume 122, pp 96-109. Supersedes FEEM Note di Lavoro 2017.48

Campagnolo L., De Cian E., (2019) Can the Paris agreement support achieving the sustainable development goals? In: Buchholz W, Markandya A, Rübbelke D, Vögele S (eds) Ancillary benefits of climate policy—new theoretical developments and empirical findings. Springer

Campagnolo L. and Ciferri D. (2018), “Is Italy on the Pathway for Achieving Sustainable Development Goals?“. In: Luigi Paganetto, Getting Globalization Right. Sustainability and Inclusive Growth in the Post Brexit Age, Springer International Publishing

Campagnolo L., Carraro C., Eboli F., Farnia L. and Parrado R., (2017), “The ex-ante Evaluation of Achieving Sustainable Development Goals“, Social Indicators Research, Volume 136, Issue 1pp 73–116

ASviS (2017), Rapporto ASviS 2017, L’Italia e gli Obiettivi di Sviluppo Sostenibile. Sezione 3.4: “L’impatto delle politiche proposte sul “Sistema Italia” del 2030: una prima valutazione”

Campagnolo L., Carraro C., Davide M., Eboli F., Lanzi E, Parrado R. (2016), “Can Climate Policy Enhance Sutainability?”, Climatic Change (2016) 137:639–653. Supersedes FEEM Note di Lavoro 2013.010

Campagnolo, L., C. Carraro, F. Eboli, L. Farnia (2015), “Assessing SDGs: A New Methodology to Measure Sustainability”, Nota di Lavoro 89.2015

Campagnolo L., Eboli F. (2015), “Implications of the 2030 EU Resource Efficiency Target on Sustainable Development“, FEEM Note di Lavoro 2015.036

Carraro, C., L. Campagnolo, F. Eboli, S. Giove, E. Lanzi, R. Parrado, M. Pinar, E. Portale (2013), “The FEEM Sustainability Index: An Integrated Tool for Sustainability Assessment”, in M. G. Erechtchoukova et al. (eds.), ‘Sustainability Appraisal: Quantitative Methods and Mathematical Techniques for Environmental Performance Evaluation’, EcoProduction, 9-32

Carraro C., Campagnolo L., Eboli F., Lanzi E., Parrado R., Portale E. (2012), “Quantifying Sustainability: A New Approach and World Ranking“, FEEM Note di Lavoro 2012.94

Related projects:

Paris reinforce, APPS project, European Framework for Measuring Progress – e-Frame, FEEM Sustainability Index – FEEM SI, Integrating MainSTREAM Economic Indicators with Sustainable Development Objectives – IN-STREAM.

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Last update on December 4, 2024